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Working from outside your office  is the new normal

Zoho has decided to make Remotely FREE for the next three months - until July 2020, to help Businesses of all sizes respond to the threat of the Corona virus.

REMOTELY is a set of Apps that will enable your teams to work anywhere, seamlessly collaborating in meetings, working in smaller groups or alone, updating shared documents, presentations, and materials for all to share.

It means, you and your team can continue to be productive and safe.

Insightful overview and training videos for each of these apps are available from Zoho on YouTube - see the apps list below. 

​Zoho Support will provide assistance for your transition.

Remotely is very helpful even if you do not have other Zoho Apps yet, and is completely integrated into Zoho One business environment if you do already use Zoho Applications.

Zoho Remotely is 11 useful Apps including:

Instant messaging . Word processing . Spreadsheets . Slide shows . Video conferencing . Agile project management . Remote desktop support . Document sharing and management . Project management and billing

Zoho  CliqInstant Messaging / Video and Text Chat platform
 Zoho WriterCollaborative Word Processor
Zoho SheetCollaborative spreadsheet application
 Zoho ShowBusiness presentation tool
Zoho MeetingVideo Conferencing tool
Zoho SprintsAgile project management software
 Zoho Lens and AssistRemote support software
 Zoho WorkDriveDocument management system
 Zoho ProjectsComprehensive project management tool, linked to Sprints

Zoho Meeting

Zoho Sprints 

Zoho Assist

Zoho Remotely

Portal Name should be your company name like "John Smith Fine Beers" for example